Friday, February 24, 2012

Celebrating Life Words of the Heart by A Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Celebrating Life

Do you have your list ready???

What is on your list to celebrate life?

Can you make a list of twenty things to do that you actually want to do?

It could be something as simple as sitting outside as the sun rises sipping a warm cup of tea or coffee.

 It might be curling up on the couch by a sunny window and immersing yourself in a good book.

Or it might be spending two hours at your favorite book store, including a cup of coffee or hot tea.

It might be holding a baby and smelling that sweet baby smell.

It could be painting with friends... and getting away from your every day life.

Or spending some time with someone you love paddling around the lake on a beautiful sunny day.

What are twenty things that bring you joy that you can celebrate life?  Make it easy. Keep it simple.  God graces us with so many choices in life, make the best of them and choose wisely.

Words of my Heart,

“Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” Proverbs 14:22 NIV

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Word of the Heart to share.... by Laurie Pace