Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall has arrived... Words of my heart, Texas Artist Laurie Pace

Listen! My beloved! Look! Here he comes, leaping across the mountains,
bounding over the hills. My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.
    Look! There he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows,
    peering through the lattice.  My beloved spoke and said to me,
    “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me.
 See! The winter is past;  the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.”
Songs of Solomon 2:8-13

When I look back on our pictures as teenagers, I grin when I see the same cocky smile and gentle love in his eye that I remembered. Today that love has deepened with our journey over the years. Some past experiences have brought us high with joy and laughter, others plunging us into unknown territories where only our love brought us through with God's light and grace. Transition and change were much easier when we were younger.  I am so thankful to have him at my side.  The fall is here in our life's journey and winter still lies ahead. This season of our life is showering us in the bounty and beauty of fall.  I pray we meet all changes hand in hand where we can abide together in His grace caring for each other and enjoying the treasures of our family.  

God has watched over us with each passing year and we pray he will continue to as the days grow shorter and the beauty of winter surrounds us. 

Words of my Heart, Laurie
A Texas Artist Laurie Pace

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Word of the Heart to share.... by Laurie Pace